If you love audiobooks, they’re here! Here’s the list of audiobooks currently available for my book titles. I’ll  update this list as they become available. I’ll be making them available on various platforms. Currently, they’re available on my Patreon for a number of the  tiers. Please see www.patreon.com/susansaxx.

Please note: These audiobooks are auto-narrated.  (Please send any feedback, as well, to Susansaxx@gmail.com with the subject line Audiobook Feedback.) Hope you love them!


-August 8/22

Refuge Bay Series:

1. Zachary Undone

2. A Refuge Bay Christmas: Their Daughter’s First Christmas

Delta North Team:

The Reckoning.

p.s. Please enjoy Rand Peters below, one of the characters in my Delta North Team series. He…um…likes listening to audiobooks, too.


Handsome muscle man in jeans