So, it’s February. Coooold.

Yet the barest bits of sunshine are peeking into my livingroom right now, as I sit cradled in the evil papasan. (You know. The one that wants me to lay back, relax, and play. Or veg out. Yup. It’s complete and utter hibernation, all wrapped up in a bamboo and fluffy-cushioned chair.)

Portents of better things to come, that illuminating sunshine. Kitties are deposited around me, close by. Peaceful.

I’m hoping the little mouse I saw outside yesterday (actually two nights ago, as a surprise dark streak across the snow) is well. And warm. I may pop a little piece of apple or banana out there for him/her. First though, I’ll google, see if that’s good for him. Her. The tiny presence. (City people, right?)

But hey. You know! Beatrix Potter and all that!!

Here’s a few pix of Mousey-poo, and Kitty-poo–checking out Mousey-poo. (Who’s secretly holding up a little mousey middle finger to Kitty, saying…Ha! That there’s a thick piece of glass between us. So you can lookee…but no touchee.


The Sighting

Ha. Suckah!!

Plus, your mistress is giving me apples soon. So there!)

Okay, if the imaginary conversations between these two are filling my brain, maybe it’s time to get actually writing on my wip. Right? (FYI: wip = work in progress).

I hope you have a lovely February day. Only one last thing remains. That little voice deep inside of me…

(…it’s not REALLY an imaginary conversation, right??)