Category: Food

There was CAKE.

Okay, let’s be compledely honest (not a typo). There still is CAKE.

Sanity took over on the weekend, AFTER the steak, the wine, and the lovely, weirdo, rainbow cake. My BFF and I had MORE cake to savour (and plough through), and I decided to go with waiting. Can y’all believe? Delicious, fudge, chocolate cake, and I chose to wait.

(Yeah. Somewhere, the universe split. There was a tear in the fabric of time. Faeries and dragons and goblins went…what the hell? No one believed it, no one at all….)

So, yeah. Not a common occurrence. It’s still in the fridge, waiting for me. Tonight, maybe?

What might have played into it too was that I bought some artisan bread in the early afternoon, and I had a third of THAT small loaf, with fresh butter from the health store. (You know, that real, ‘grass fed moos’ butter? Yeah. That.) I thoroughly enjoyed that too – all its cranberry, pumpkin seed, crusty no preservative or chemical goodness – and it kept me going the rest of the day. *sighs*

Were a good day. A good weekend.

I also threw up 2 preorders last night, for the newly written first TWO books in my rebranded series (more on that coming).

Right now, let’s circle back to the critical facts that must still be dealt with…and savoured…

Fun weekend.

And there still



*damn that free-flowing poetry form! This is narrative, you!*

Until next time…

Susan, from the writing cave. 🙂


*eyes cake. Breakfast, mebbe?*

Slice of chocolate fudge cake in styrofoam container

My Lovely. Are you waiting for me?? Quivering for me? (Okay, that’s enough. There’s enough smexy in my books. This is CAKE, Susan. Remember?

I’m in Trouble.

Have you ever had a serious addiction to something that won’t leave you alone? That keeps pushing in on your daily schedule, demanding to be met?

Well, here’s my latest one. I seem to have awakened a dragon lately, in me.

I seem to want Tacobell’s MEXIMELT…every day. And now…I want it for breakfast!

Have you ever had a meximelt? A soft flour taco, delicious seasoned beef, cheese, and I think? salsa. Some type of a slight vinegary flavour. Yes, tomatoes. Oh…my. It’s soooo good, all melted together. Oh, my (once again.) (*waves to Dorothy*)

I will prevail, I know. Indulging this is not in the daily budget. Nor in the caloric budget either!

Plans a trip to grocery store for ground beef, seasoning, and a few other fixin’s….

What are your SPECIAL addictions?