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(He’s got his own mind. I said go in the middle, he said nuh-huh, no matter what I invoked. Just like a man. winks We came to an agreement. He’ll stay on the left for now, and I’ll be happy. :))


Message to My Readers & New Friends:

I’m so glad you happened over here today!

I write stories. I write stories that come from my heart, my sass (I’m told I have it), and ones that keep me interested (not an easy feat – I get bored quickly!) I also write stories that I hope will highlight what I think is important in life, and what really matters, after  fun and the general things that brighten our lives.  When you get right down to it, into the stickiness and messiness of human life, it’s nobility, ethics, kindness and love. Doing what’s right, when it’s hard, and not sexy, just ’cause it’s right. I love Star Trek…and I think that’s why. (Well, also, Ryker’s pretty hot, right? So of course I had to name a puppy after him.  *woof*)

If my stories make you glad, keep you involved, then give you a payoff, I’m happy.

Have a gander around the site. Sign up for my newsletters. Hang out, and send me lots of good shortbread recipes. (Did I WRITE that? LOL) (Must be a Christmas thang :)).
